Fulfillment. Next Level Self-Awareness & Self Worth. The ultimate Self-Discovery Experience.

Fulfillment. Next Level Self-Awareness & Self Worth. The ultimate self discovery experience.

Renuka Soni Gupta| The Libco.

Enroll Now!

Discover Your Purpose in 4 Simple Steps!

Finally, discover yourself - your soul purpose, passions, values, and your voice. So you can truly reclaim your inherent power and move with confidence without second-guessing yourself! Have that Crystal clear clarity on the next step to take towards your desires and goals with easy and unshakeable confidence. 

That's how I healed my own confusion and lack of clarity of purpose not too long ago and I am here to teach you all the tools, framework and techniques that helped me gain crystal clear clarity, confidence, happiness and freedom I only dreamt of! 

Ready for your life to change?



Raise your hand if.......

Raise your hand if....... 


You're done being in the waiting room of your own life and ready to take that power back & feel
in control


You are ready to unleash your unique strengths, passions & purpose with unshakeable confidence 


Your heart & soul are yearning to live a more meaningful, happy & aligned life 


You wish to be crystal clear about your purpose & your passions without having to spend endless amount of time searching for it

“This program gave me sense of direction in life!"

After completing the Programme with Renuka I know where to focus my energy and take specific action to move forward and progress. I feel so much more meaning in my life, more clarity and confidence in my journey.

— Valerie

and guess what...

I was there myself once and know how frustrating it can feel.

Despite having a seemingly perfect life I kept feeling as if something was missing. I wasn't truly living my purpose or passion, and so I didn't quite feel happy or satisfied with life. But that all changed after I truly reconnected with myself, discovered my purpose, passion & values - my highest truth.
And that is possible for you too. 

Your purpose & values don't have to be a mystery, it is inherent within you. You just need to claim and activate it. 

It's time to reconnect with the person who has all the right answers: YOU!

Get clarity of your unique soul purpose, path, passion, and values to be the exceptional YOU that you were born to be, but the old conditioning kept making you play small. 
It's time experience that freedom, happiness and peace by being your unique self. Don't worry - you won't be doing this all by yourself and that's where I come in.......

Be Exceptionally You - clarity workshop!


Through unique tools & framework we'll assess your current vs. ideal life and identify real gaps to address and start refining your focus for your dream life.

Like coming home to yourself, here we'll dive straight into what might be your unique strengths and skills that you may not be aware of yet. Yes, we all have them - I can claim from my own experience! Outcome of this step will be clarity of your Values, Purpose, Passions & Goals. 

Here's Your Roadmap to
Purpose Clarity

Understand The Gap

Establish Strong Foundations

step one

step two

Together, we'll create your action plan so that you can start taking action in the direction of your dreams. 

Right Momentum

step four

Clarity on your bigger 'Why' - this one is really important because without it our goals might start to feel meaningless after a certain time or our mind might trick us to give them up at some stage. This is that inner flame that will help you keep going.

Bridge The Gap

step Three


Crystal clear clarity of your unique Purpose, Values, Passions & Goals.

How does this sound?

Clarity on the next steps you can take towards your goals & desires with ease, unshakeable confidence, feel more fulfilled and happy!



the results you're going to get:

You feel more confident & connected with yourself and with your loved ones.


Kick that imposter syndrome and self doubt in the booty and feel confident.


You are confident in yourself, your GIFTS, Values, Passions and Goals.


Yes, I'm in!

“The Purpose of life is to know yourself, create yourself, experience yourself as who you really are. There is no other reason to do anything”

- Neal Donald

Wise words

“This course made my business dreams come true! I made six figures, and I couldn't have done it without Kate!”


Kind words


A year from now you will have wished you started today...

So let's get started now!

“I went from confusion & overwhelm to clarity & confidence to take right action towards my goals."

"Working with Renuka was so inspiring! Every session I was amazed not only about her theoretical knowledge (like methods or resources) but the practical skills like always getting my state of mind and understanding challenges that I am facing right now. She offered the guidance that I needed while still having space for self reflection and realisations. 
Renuka’s program helped me most with learning about my values and gain self trust in trying out new things.
Before working with Renuka I felt like I was lacking a sense of direction that I wanted to go towards. I tried to learn a lot about life and purpose of other people to become inspired and figure out what is important to me. Though all of the studying of other people’s goals and intentions brought me a lot of motivation and joy, I still didn’t know what was right for me.
Now after completing the programme with Renuka I know where to focus my energy and take specific action to move forward and progress. Even after some time has passed, it randomly happens that I get new realisations based on the coaching with Renuka.
I feel so much more meaning in my life, more clarity and confidence in my journey. I would recommend working with Renuka to anyone who is looking to figure out the path ahead and who feels like they would benefit a lot from having a clear intention and purpose while getting to know their values better."

Valerie Found her Purpose & Direction

Yes, It Really Works

I'm Renuka, Your New Purpose Clarity Mentor

My superpowers are combining Science + Spirituality + Soul knowledge to bring next level alignment with your highest self through self knowledge and self mastery. 

Hey there!

Have we been officially introduced?

11 Years ago when I moved to Australia, leaving behind my family, friends and my comfort zone - I found myself to be like a fish out of the water. Even though I had lived independently most of my life (in boarding school & university prior to that) moving to a whole new culture & country was no easy feat! 

Trying to find a job here with overseas education was even harder - most people weren't willing to call me for an interview, let alone give me a job in the area of my interest (until of course my first job). I was told I might have to do odd jobs to get into the workforce and start earning some money and that really broke my spirit. Not that there is anything wrong with odd jobs but I knew deep within that wasn't for me. I have always believed in challenging status quo and so I did.....
I persevered until I found my job and praise Universe - it wasn't short of my dream job description of that age & time. I started working for THE Best magazines in the country - Harper's Bazaar, Cosmo, Elle, Australian Women's Weekly, to name a few....
The rest is history but coming back to NOW - I am a Marketer for one of the best brands in the country and love what I do. However, I realised, after a lot of self development work & soul searching that part of my purpose is to help others, especially women from conservative backgrounds. I feel deeply passionate about helping other women break through the glass ceilings and be the highest version of themselves confidently, without having to settle for anything less than they deserve. 

Over the years I've helped countless friends and family navigate difficult transitions of their lives, emotions & confusion. So, it was actually my friends and family that really encouraged me to start helping other people outside of my inner circle. 

They weren't wrong, and it's no surprise when I look back on my education and many trainings & courses I have done over the years such as - a masters degree in Psychology, trained in Yoga, meditation & breath work, Reiki Master, and now learning Human Design - that I was meant to be doing this.
Like that wasn't enough - according to my Human Design profile too (6/2 Projector), this is my life's purpose.

So, after a lot of deliberation - here I am! 
On a mission to empower, up level, heal & transform the lives of more & more women. To help you liberate to your next level of independence, happiness, peace & confidence!

But it wasn't always this way.

comfortable pace

Plan based on your lifestyle


Follow a proven roadmap

This is for you if:

Transitioning between different phases of your life

You think you already know everything you need to know 

You're committed to transform your current state to your desired ideal state

You're not ready to put in the work 

You're ready to take radical responsibility for your independence and happiness 

It's probably not for you if...

you're not ready to invest in yourself

Let's Do This!

So what are you waiting for?